Thursday 14 March 2013

| Great Music | Kwaicore | Harlem shake | Kwai | say what?

| Great Music | Kwaicore | Harlem shake | Kwai | say what?

To all you celebrity gossip carvers this is not the blog site for you. I am not here to talk about how stupid Nicki Minaj looks, or what Justin Bieber's latest addiction is. I might however , every now and then, refer you to some really great music and musicians such as John Butler's song OCEAN.

This blog is predominantly here to talk about and discuss the latest creation and sub genre of music, "KWAICORE"... As a music lover I was left to ask how and where this new genre Kwaicore fits in with other genres, and to put it simply, it doesn't. There is already talk about what people consider Kwaicore to be, and the majority of people will tell you that it is a compilation of Kwaito and Hardcore Rock. However this is not one hundred percent correct. Kwaicore is the compilation of yes Kwaito mixed with any other hardcore genre, whether it be rock, punk, mainstream etc.

Kwaicore was the brain child of Alexander Sudheim and has only just recently hit the web, this means that you could be the first person to produce the first ever Kwaicore youtube hit, that is if you decide that the harlem shake has become too mainstream.

Kwaicore is also becoming apart of the twenty-first-centuries vernacular, for example; "that's kwai" meaning that the action performed is "cool" or that the aforementioned is a "good idea". Although Kwaicore pertains specifically to music, the abbreviation "Kwai" is used more in the surfer, skater culture.

That's all for now, keep following to learn more about the world of Kwaicore.

Keep it real...

1 comment:

  1. So insightful... Really keen to become part of the kwaicore com...
