Tuesday 19 March 2013

| Kawaiicore, Kwai core, Kwai - Core |

| Kawaiicore, Kwai core, Kwai - Core |

So there has been some confusion over the spelling regarding this new music phenomenon called "Kwaicore", it is not spelt Kawaiicore it is not spelt Kwai core with a space and it is most certainly not spelt Kwai - Core with a hyphen. It is spelt Kwaicore for the simple reason, that it is KWAIto and hardCORE music merged into one.

News regarding | Kwaicore, Metallica and Mzekezeke |

So as we all know, one of the most popular hardcore rock bands of time is coming to South Africa. Word on the street is that this band is performing the first Kwaicore song live. Metallica has supposedly joined with South African Kwaito artist Mzekezeke to perform the first live rendition of Kwaicore song. Mzekezeke has been sighted with Metallica, and was overheard talking with the band by an anonymous Metallica fan. According to the fan he said that "I have come up with a chorus that I believe will appeal to all genres, and the beat leads nicely into your guitar solo." Metallic simply replied; "That's Kwai, we can't wait to lay down all the work we've done and collaborate in studio with you."

So fans we might be the first country to witness a live Kwaicore song, in other words get to Computicket and GET THOSE TICKETS!!!

Keep it real...

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