Saturday 16 March 2013

More on | Kwaicore |

More on | Kwaicore |

So there have been further advancements with Kwaicore, more and more people are slowly catching onto this new trend and are starting to create their own versions of Kwaicore. All though there have not been any major advancements people are also starting to use the lingo of Kwai...

People are trying so hard to jump onto this trend before it goes global that they are buying out domain names for Kwaicore as well as setting up other Kwaicore blogs, there also people that have tried to create what they believe kwaicore is and set up videos on youtube. However these videos do not clearly depict what Kwaicore is, they have not created a compilation of "Kwaito" and one of the "Hardcore" sub genres, they have simply danced to Kwaito music and then danced to Hardcore rock without actually fusing them to create one genre...

So the space is still open to have the first "Correct" Kwaicore video out there, give it a try who knows what will happen.

Keep it real...

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