Wednesday 17 April 2013

The Question | Failure to launch | First |

The Question | Failure to launch | First |

The Question on our minds is no longer what is Kwaicore but rather when will we see a true blend of Kwaito and hardcore music fused together. For too long people have been promising Kwaicore songs on either their blogs or youtube, however nobody seems to have fully grasped the true essence of what it is. By now people should be listening to the latest Kwaicore songs on their iPods or phones but it is just not happening, why?

Some say that it is because people just aren't that interested in Kwaicore, that it never even got off the ground. But lets be serious for just a moment. How could it have ever taken off? This is a music genre that  never stood a chance from the beginning. It's not that I dislike Kwaicore I think it is a very cleaver idea but the name sounds more like a small island or city in and around Asia. Its failure to launch may also be partly attributed to the lack of know how and typing ability around search engine optimisation, which is what this is all about. 

This however does not mean that it can't still take off. For example here are, as promised in my first blog, some good bands that have and are starting to go big so be amazed and be the first to know about them and listen to them in your group of friends, that is if you aren't already; The jungle giants, The paper kites, Cider sky, and Funeral suits

These are bands that aren't all that well known, they are not "household" names just like Kwaicore. But they are leaving their name's in the minds of people which Kwaicore might do if it was given enough time to grow. 

Keep it Kwai... 

Wednesday 10 April 2013



And I'm back, sorry for the lack of communication I have been far and wide searching for KWAICORE happenings. On my time off from blogging I found myself searching for what Kwaicore really is. My searches led me around the world to places such as South Korea, Doha, and Bali and what I found was astonishing.

Not only have other countries adopted this new genre of music but they are developing on it further. For example in South Korea they have taken KPOP, which is Korean pop, and they have added kwaito to create a new genre called Kwaipop. 
Two Korean groups that are showing promise in developing Kwaicore  into Kwaipop are called Girls Generation and Sistar19. This is a link to one of Girls Generations songs, although it is not Kwaicore or Kwaipop it is still very interesting and fun to watch. These are also fun to watch and are good tutorials on how to dance when listening to KPOP and KWAICORE, how to DANCE to KPOP, how to DANCE to KWAICORE.

During my brief stay in Bali I went to KUTA to enjoy the surf scene. KUTA is one of the best surf spots in Bali and attracts some of the top surfers from around the world, this is where I heard the word Kwai, an abbreviation of Kwaicore, being thrown around a lot. It seems that surfers today have diverted from using words such as narly and rad which used to be the lingo in the 80's and 90's to more chilled words such as epic and now Kwai. Although Kwaicore music hasn't hit the shores of Bali as of yet, Kwaicore influences have.

That's all for now, Keep it kwai...

Tuesday 19 March 2013

| Kawaiicore, Kwai core, Kwai - Core |

| Kawaiicore, Kwai core, Kwai - Core |

So there has been some confusion over the spelling regarding this new music phenomenon called "Kwaicore", it is not spelt Kawaiicore it is not spelt Kwai core with a space and it is most certainly not spelt Kwai - Core with a hyphen. It is spelt Kwaicore for the simple reason, that it is KWAIto and hardCORE music merged into one.

News regarding | Kwaicore, Metallica and Mzekezeke |

So as we all know, one of the most popular hardcore rock bands of time is coming to South Africa. Word on the street is that this band is performing the first Kwaicore song live. Metallica has supposedly joined with South African Kwaito artist Mzekezeke to perform the first live rendition of Kwaicore song. Mzekezeke has been sighted with Metallica, and was overheard talking with the band by an anonymous Metallica fan. According to the fan he said that "I have come up with a chorus that I believe will appeal to all genres, and the beat leads nicely into your guitar solo." Metallic simply replied; "That's Kwai, we can't wait to lay down all the work we've done and collaborate in studio with you."

So fans we might be the first country to witness a live Kwaicore song, in other words get to Computicket and GET THOSE TICKETS!!!

Keep it real...

Saturday 16 March 2013

Facebook post

Facebook post

So the other day I put a post on FaceBook regarding a pen, a notepad, a chopstick plus some other objects and told you to sit with those while listing to John Butler's song Ocean.

For all those who tried it and want to know why I suggested it, well the answer is simple, it's fun and a good way to get creative. The fun starts when trying to keep up with the percussion of the song using only the chopstick and the other objects as drums, and then trying to add lyrics of your own. It becomes even more fun when you start altering the timing and tempo of the percussion.

This is an example of how you could possibly go around creating your own Kwaicore music, play Kwaito and then start changing tempos and beats until you have incorporated a hardcore genre into the song...

Remember these are just suggestions and ways to pass the time.

However if you want to learn more about what's happening in the world of music follow for the latest and greatest music.

Keep it real...

More on | Kwaicore |

More on | Kwaicore |

So there have been further advancements with Kwaicore, more and more people are slowly catching onto this new trend and are starting to create their own versions of Kwaicore. All though there have not been any major advancements people are also starting to use the lingo of Kwai...

People are trying so hard to jump onto this trend before it goes global that they are buying out domain names for Kwaicore as well as setting up other Kwaicore blogs, there also people that have tried to create what they believe kwaicore is and set up videos on youtube. However these videos do not clearly depict what Kwaicore is, they have not created a compilation of "Kwaito" and one of the "Hardcore" sub genres, they have simply danced to Kwaito music and then danced to Hardcore rock without actually fusing them to create one genre...

So the space is still open to have the first "Correct" Kwaicore video out there, give it a try who knows what will happen.

Keep it real...

Thursday 14 March 2013

| Great Music | Kwaicore | Harlem shake | Kwai | say what?

| Great Music | Kwaicore | Harlem shake | Kwai | say what?

To all you celebrity gossip carvers this is not the blog site for you. I am not here to talk about how stupid Nicki Minaj looks, or what Justin Bieber's latest addiction is. I might however , every now and then, refer you to some really great music and musicians such as John Butler's song OCEAN.

This blog is predominantly here to talk about and discuss the latest creation and sub genre of music, "KWAICORE"... As a music lover I was left to ask how and where this new genre Kwaicore fits in with other genres, and to put it simply, it doesn't. There is already talk about what people consider Kwaicore to be, and the majority of people will tell you that it is a compilation of Kwaito and Hardcore Rock. However this is not one hundred percent correct. Kwaicore is the compilation of yes Kwaito mixed with any other hardcore genre, whether it be rock, punk, mainstream etc.

Kwaicore was the brain child of Alexander Sudheim and has only just recently hit the web, this means that you could be the first person to produce the first ever Kwaicore youtube hit, that is if you decide that the harlem shake has become too mainstream.

Kwaicore is also becoming apart of the twenty-first-centuries vernacular, for example; "that's kwai" meaning that the action performed is "cool" or that the aforementioned is a "good idea". Although Kwaicore pertains specifically to music, the abbreviation "Kwai" is used more in the surfer, skater culture.

That's all for now, keep following to learn more about the world of Kwaicore.

Keep it real...